- Test thermometers quickly, accuratelyand inexpensively
- Step-by-step instructions for creating theperfect ice bath
- Light weight and portable
- Ice and water not included!
Yes, this is really just a printed 32-oz double-walled soda mug. But! A proper ice bath is NOT just a cup of water with some ice thrown in. Although an ice bath is not really rocket science, there still is some science involved. If you do it slightly wrong, or carelessly, your temperature will be off by as much as several degrees! So, we've printed step-by-step instructions on this see-through mug so any staff member can get it right. Give them this mug, tell them to follow the steps exactly, and they'll have a temperature reference that can be accurate to the hundredths of a degree.
Double-walled for insulation. See-through so you can check the ice/water ratio, float level and the thermometer depth. Snap-on lid. Includes ice and water level markers.
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Wanted to be able to test my probs
Want to test my thermometers
if you are giving the most accurate thermometer available, might as well provide easy way to keep it accurate